So, Spencer Andersen, a BJJ friend and the Director of Brewing Operations at Fulton Brewery came for a Saturday open roll at Alliance and being the stand-up guy he is, he brought a case of ice cold Fulton 300 for us to enjoy after the roll, but that’s not all he brought…he also brought a bomber of Toppling Goliath Assassin (I think it was a 2013)
I’ve got to tell you…with absolutely no exaggeration…that was the most amazing thing i’ve ever had in my mouth that didn’t have curly hairs attached to it. I don’t know what else to say, it was fantastic. Rich and smooth with and oaky sweetness and notes of vanilla but all in perfect balance…if you’re on a quest for a badass bottle, get this on your list…but i’m warning you…it won’t come cheap, and herein lies the problem…
I feel like that anything else in the Imperial Stout family that I pour into my beer-hole will not live up to that little taste of heaven, and I am NOT about to start collecting $800 bottles of beer, mostly because I’d be the kind of shitty collector that drinks them all.
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